kristen o. bobst
author & copywriter
Kristen O. Bobst is a creative professional with 10+ years of writing and editing experience. Her focuses are space, tech, and animals.
Kristen holds an MFA from the University of Southern California and, in the above photo, holds her dog, Willow.
instagram: @thekristeno
storytelling across platform & audience
check out kristen’s portfolio of fiction work + copywriting + reporting
Style Engineers Worldwide
Explore the three-book young adult graphic novel series about teenagers solving world problems through inventions. #TechForGood
Curious about what marketing to pet parents and vet clinic looks like?
Like space and pets? So does Kristen. Her bylines appear in Wunderdog Magazine, Teen Vogue, and more.
From viral video “Klingon Style” to an audio drama about a cheeky morgue haunting, Kristen strives to make this shared online experience of ours a little more whimsical.
Through storybook experiences, kids learn about the science behind climate change any why conservation is so critical. Bonus: these apps are musicals, so sing along.
News + Dog Photos
The latest press about Kristen + pictures of Willow.